Unfortunately this course is not available anymore!
The slide mai still help some people to get started with MODX

more infos about MODX on my blog.

Starter – 1 Day

Understanding MODX and the philosophy of handling data, logic and presentation.

  1. Install MODX and set System Settings
  2. Overview of different MODX elements
  3. Understand Folder and File structure
  4. Add additional packages via Package Manager
  5. Create dynamic templates, using Snippets and Chunks
  6. Use input and output filters, to customize content
  7. Build lists with WayFinder and custom TemplateVariables
  8. Include Snippets and Chunks from file system

Developer – 1 Day

Extend MODX with custom packages

  1. Understand and use Property Sets
  2. Add custom data table to XPDO data layer
  3. Understanding MODX processors and XPDO data access
  4. Create custom manager pages via ExtJS Framework
  5. Use FormIt to build a simple web store

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